Is it IBS or something else?


Let me first start with the explanation of IBS.

IBS-Irritable Bowels Syndrome. It’s characterised by flare up of abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea in otherwise healthy person.

Others symptoms  can also include :

  • fatigue
  • nausea
  • headaches
  • depression
  • anxiety

Flare ups are usually triggered by eating to quickly or too much, stress, diet, hormones or even minor irritants such as wheat , diary, tea, coffee or citrus fruit.


Now we know what  IBS actually is and what are the symptoms. Lets have a closer look at the symptoms:

  • fatigue
  • nausea
  • headaches
  • depression
  • anxiety

If you read my previous post Stress-the main culprit , you would have noticed that these are exactly the same symptoms ! Hmmmm…

About 6 years ago I have been diagnosed with IBS after my anxiety and depression kicked in. Since I beat it my IBS resolved itself. I realised that the reason behind my IBS was prolonged stress, previous traumas and generally not looking after myself.

Nowadays doctors very easy diagnose IBS; you give symptoms and there it is- after one appointment that lasts up to 10 minutes doctor gives you the IBS diagnose. I don’t blame GPs. They have limited resources and time to really meet their patients. I strongly believe if they had more time they might be able to get to the bottom of the problem and actualy ask the very important question : “What irritates your bowels?”


SO…what can irritate our bowels? When my clients tell me they have been diagnosed with IBS , my detective’s hat jumps onto my head and I start full investigation.  90% of them admits to huge amount of stress. I ask about their diet. Very often the food is eaten quick, not chewed properly or the food itself is not healthy. Some people have undiagnosed allergies too. In case of  food sensitivities I always suggest to write a food diary, sometimes I refer them to see nutritionist or to have a food allergy test.



To help my clients to understand more about their digestive system, I came up with a little comparison.

“You are a car, your stomach is your engine. If you run your car for miles and miles without brake, use cheap petrol , your car is bound to brake rather fast. It is exactly the same with you. If you run yourself to much, if you don’t rest, don’t eat properly, there is a big chance you will eventually develop some condition that affects your digestive system”


We all know that herbs are a very powerful thing. My all time favourite herbal teas to calm down and support digestive system are:

  1.  sage tea (follow the link)   


2. camomile tea

health-benefits-of-chamomile-tea tea


I am rather religious about my teas and drink them in between my meals.


Reflexology can be highly beneficial to IBS. It helps to support digestion, relax muscles and unclog intestines.

As with any reflexology treatment I will work the whole foot, trying to bring the balance to the whole body  but special attention will be paid to following reflexes :

diaphragm-to relax, support deep breathing and strengthen the muscles

stomach- obvious- to support the digestion, relax the muscles

intestines-again to support the digestion, unclog any deposits of food or gas that can cause bloating and constipation

-solar plexus is a MUST-helps relax the body and mind

Continue reading “Is it IBS or something else?”

Miscarriage-when you loose a part of your soul

Miscarriage-premature expulsion and loss of fetus before it is viable, due to inadequate environmental conditions or unnatural development of the embryo.


This is a very delicate subject. I meant to write about it a month ago but something was stopping me. One of my clients is going through IVF and I was worried that writing it when she was going through her first round  might be a bad timing. However recently whenever I looked into social media I saw posts about this issue- my friends with rainbow babies were posting memes, photos to acknowledge their lost babies. Have I missed something? Was the Universe trying to tell me something?

I had a long “chat” with myself and have decided that I need to talk about it. I need to talk about sad things as well and maybe, just maybe give someone a little help.

Few of my clients and friends went through this horrible, heart breaking experience and the stories they’ve told me about the treatment they have received, or rather lack of it , makes my blood boil….

At the top of the page I wrote a definition of miscarriage, but how can you define the loss that is part of your soul? You simply can’t, there is no way to do it.

Suffering miscarriage can be profoundly distressing experience, not only for the mother but also for the father. They both go through physical and emotional shock, shock no one can be truly prepared for. According to ” 1 in 4 women in UK will experience a miscarriage in their lifetimes”. This is a scary statistic.

An upset woman being comforted by her husband who is embracing her

Many women don’t even think about conceiving again for at least few months after miscarriage. Some experience low mood or even depression. It is important that the couple supports each other after the loss of their baby. There are associations that offer advice and support. It is also important that couple don’t feel abandoned at a time like this.

When both parents are recovering from the emotional and physical effects of miscarriage, I would highly recommend that couple gives each other reflexology treatment. This will make the bond between them even stronger, it will bring them the sense of relaxation and peace. 


Once they are ready to start again they both need to be in the best possible health to minimize the risk of miscarrying again. Their health practitioner will advise them on the many aspects I will mention here. It is important to pay attention to lifestyle changes and their diet. There have been researches which have found that women who miscarry have a lower level of  selenium in their blood. Vit B contributes to healthy development of the baby.


Herbal remedies

****Please note that any advice I give in my posts is my advice only- please contact a qualified practitioner for more detailed information****

There are three herbs that can be very beneficial in prevention of miscarriages.

  • Agnus castus– helpful after miscarriage
  • black cohosh– strengthens whole reproductive system and it’s said that it is particularly helpful in prevention of miscarriage
  • false unicorn root– usually in combination with other herbs



  • folic acid
  • Vit E
  • Zinc
  • selenium
  • essential fatty acids
  • vit B



19105991_1178119375625906_8813352467169791744_nReflexology can be very beneficial during miscarriage. It can bring great relaxation, sense of well-being and even mental escape.

There are few points that will be worked with extra attention during reflexology treatment after miscarriage:

  • pituitary reflex- to bring hormonal balance
  • thyroid reflex
  • uterus reflex
  • ovaries reflex
  • spinal stimulation point reflex



Miscarriage and still birth are both horrendous and sad experiences. Ones that women will never forget. The memory of the loss will live with them forever. Remember to support, love and cherish each other.


Congratulations!You are pregnant!!

ciazaYep, this is me. 7 months pregnant. I know, I know, I was huge and look like I am having twins (trust me heard it all the time, together with the “belly rub”). Every time someone touched my bump I wanted to shout”DO I TOUCH YOUR BOOBS?NO, SO STOP RUBBING ME LIKE I AM SOME GENNIE LAMP!

Anyway, Jack was huge, looked like Popeye with Mongolian face and his birth caused me a 3rd-degree tear. So there you have- some stuff to look forward to.

However, you might be ok. You might be one of those lucky ladies that gain hardly any weight (I was like this with my first one) and doesn’t even look pregnant. I really wish you that.

Now, jokes aside, let us talk seriously. Pregnancy is a time of enjoyment and a worry at the same time. I won’t be going here into details how pregnancy happens, we all know the story about flowers and bees..

Although pregnancy is not an illness it can cause problems. Reflexology can be very useful in keeping a woman feeling healthy and comfortable during pregnancy, it can also help with the development of the baby and ease or even stop the symptoms of pregnancy.

Like I have mentioned before pregnancy itself is not an illness. Our (women) bodies have been designed to be a vessel for this little miracle and to give birth. OK , time to talk about health during pregnancy.



Eating and cravings 

I’ve heard strange stories from chewing on the rubber to eating pickles in honey. I myself went through a period of eating cucumbers and tomatoes only  (although now cravings as such, just couldn’t stomach anything else). Remember that cravings are just a funny way of your body telling you which nutritions it needs (what nutritions are in rubber?!)However you need to be sensible. If you crave sweets try raisins. Fancy to munch some salty food? Try pickles instead of crisps. You have to be careful as too much sugar can increase the risk of diabetes and too much salt retains fluid in the tissues of the body.


During pregnancy, your body will need some extra iron to support the increasing amount of blood in it.Iron supplements are one of the first ones you can take. If you don’t want to take any supplements try

  • green vegetables
  • red meat
  • nuts
  • seeds such sunflower or pumpkin seeds.

*Keep an eye on bowels movements as too much iron can cause constipation.

Magnesium helps make bones, fatty acid, and protein. It also helps to relax womb muscles and is a natural tranquilizer. 200 milligrams of magnesium is sufficient in stressful time of your life(in addition to a good diet rich in this mineral).

We mustn’t forget about all mighty folic acid. You should take it until the end of the third month of your pregnancy.

I won’t be even going into cigarettes and alcohol.


Common problems in pregnancy 

  • tender, enlarged breasts-simple, your hormones are preparing the breasts for breastfeeding
  • bleeding gums-hormones that soft tissues and extra blood in your body can make them soft and spongy
  • constipation-as above, hormones can soften the tissues which can make your bowels bit sluggish
  • morning sickness-it’s not always morning despite the name. It can happen anytime and most of the time the main cause is low blood sugar. Eat often and little. Ginger biscuits seem to help many women. Peppermint tea helps too.
  • heartburn/gastric reflux- one of the main causes is your expanding uterus that is pressing into abdominal areas. It can also be caused by hormones released during pregnancy-those hormones relax the valve at the entrance to your stomach. Again eat little and often. Over the counter remedies or camomile tea can be helpful (always check with pharmacist) regarding any over the counter medication)Some find that glass of hot water can ease the symptom
  • pre-eclampsia-symptoms include high blood pressure, protein in urine and fluid retention (hand, feet and sometimes even face. To prevent these symptoms look into taking Vit C and E supplement. If you have these symptoms make sure you rest plenty to lower the blood pressure. As much as reflexology and additional vitamins can help, you MUST be seen by a medical expert.


Movement Exercises-You-Can-Do-During-Pregnancy

Remember, you are pregnant, not ill and unless there is direction given to you by your health professional, movement and gentle exercises are your friends. Try gentle swimming and walking. Breathing exercises and pregnancy yoga are very highly recommended. PLease do not forget about pelvic floor exercises, they are very important and lack of it will be evident in later years ( I do not bounce on a trampoline anymore).


You don’t need a special diet, eat regular and balanced meals. Make sure you eat at least 5 servings of fruit and veggies per day. Include in your diet food rich in calcium such as yogurt, milk, pasteurized cheese. Meat, fish and well-cooked egg should be included in your diet. If you are vegetarian eat pulses. There is a plenty advice on NHS website. You could also contact nutritionist more advice if you have any dietary requirement.


Reflexology in pregnancy

When you are looking for a reflexologist to ease your pregnancy symptoms make sure he/she is trained in pregnancy reflexology as this requires knowledge and skills some might not have.

Reflexology can help with the stress of carrying a baby and can help with any pregnancy symptoms you might have. It can only do you good and no harm to your baby.

1st trimester would be the time of very gentle treatment, half an hours only , once a month. My focus will be mostly on relaxation and eventual problems like the colon (when constipation present).

2nd trimester we will move to full treatment but still very gentle.I would still work once a month.

Finally, 3rd trimester-time when your hospital bag can be already packed, cot prepared and you stocked up your nappy arsenal. My ideal plan treatment would be short session once a week, focused on absolute relaxation and hormonal balancing.

Try to enjoy your pregnancy, take every day as it is. One more advice based on personal experience. High in pregnancy better stock up on the satin sheet and satin nighty-so much easier to turn in bed.   😉






Are you the right therapist for me?….



This post will be shorter, maybe more boring or maybe interesting, less educational or more educational. It is all up to you, how you want to see it but it won’t be about any particular health issue as such.

I am a reflexologist, dare I say a good one. I am still a baby, making tiny steps in an amazing world of reflexology. I am still learning new techniques, new ways. It is an ongoing process and will never stop, but I love it. I love reflexology, I breathe reflexology. To become a reflexologist I have searched high and low. I remember at first I was considering an online course, simply due to money and time. However, something was telling me that this is not the right way. After that, I came across some few days courses, college courses etc. I still wasn’t satisfied.

You see I am that type of person who wants to be the best in whatever I do, who wants the best in education and life (by life I don’t mean gold planes, teeth and designer handbags) and if I am doing something I do it properly. I simply typed Professional Reflexologist, a page came out Professional Reflexology. I read through it, I have found a school and I signed up.

I wasn’t accepted straight away. I was invited for an interview with this tall, blond lady who as it turned out was a big fish in industry 😉 This was  Susie Jennings from Susie Jennings School of Reflexology.  Professional Reflexology trains their students to the highest level achievable in the UK, we end up being very clever 😉 On a serious note, we are required to undergo A & P training, maternity acre, palliative care and few others. We need to know how the body works, we need to know about energy, side effects of medication and many, many other things. It is full on training. It was worth every tear and drop of sweat. I know I was equipped with every tool reflexologist should have. I am extremely proud of the letters after my name. I worked hard for them.


Recently, however, I have been alerted by a friend of mine. She is a therapist, great one but in different discipline. She has studied reflexology long time ago and doesn’t practise it. She is is very passionate about good training. She has sent me a link to a page .This company does reflexology training in a couple of days. COUPLE OF DAYS!!!! Companies like that are growing quickly like mushrooms after rain. It is scary. Nowadays you can have massage diploma online without even touching a human body. Don’t get me wrong, online can be good, I have done online. Online tutoring on massage and body but I had to meet with my tutors, go through everything on my model.Show muscles, bones, and show different massage techniques.I had to do many case studies.

There is a place for online training but no one will ever tell me that learning reflexology online or in even in 3 months is enough. Please! I had clients in local SPA who told me they had reflexology before but this one was different. Well, of course, I am properly trained!

Reflexology is not a “foot massage”, it is a complex holistic therapy. I go through very detailed health questionnaire. Sometimes I need to ask uncomfortable questions but it has to be done in order for me to treat you the right way. The same is with massage.

The worse thing I am finding is that there is plenty so-called “proressional” association that will accept graduates of such schools, so when a potential client is looking for therapist they will see association listed and they think “is all good”. Most of the time it is but more and more I see and hear about the lack of qualification in therapists. I hear it from my clients, and from fellow therapists. On the top of it many, many insurance companies will insure therapist without adequate training.

I am writing all of this not for fear of my career or fear of having competition. I know what I can do, what my goals are and reviews of my clients speak for themselves. I am writing this for your safety, for the safety of your health. It is about your money too.

Here are some tips to finding the right therapist:*

  • ask them questions, as many questions as you like
  • ask them if you can have consultation without committing to the treatment
  • What are your qualifications, and are they available for me to see?
  • Do you have appropriate insurance?
  • Do you understand my condition?
  • How much will my treatment cost?

Professional Reflexology Members will welcome these questions because they understand the reasons why you may ask them.

You may also like to ask yourself:
Does this person seem professional?
Could I relax with this person, and talk to them honestly?
If you are satisfied with the answers, then you have found your reflexologist! 



Sometimes I might not know and understand fully your condition in which case I will be honest with you and tell you that I am going to research more on it. There are aslo times when

I think you may benefit from additional therapy or even certain therapy might be more beneficial to you then reflexology. It is ok. This means I know my boundries and I don’t go out outside my field of expertise.


I hope that this will shed a bit off  light on how to choose a good therapist. Remember this is not only for reflexology. You can apply this to any therapist. ASK, ASK AND ONCE AGAIN ASK.

On this note, I wish you good therapist, successful therapy and lots of luck


*taken from Professional Reflexology website



” I” is for infertility

infertilityI am not about to change into listing problems/conditions into alphabetical order, I just simply struggled to find the right title. It is a very sensitive subject, very complex subject and I have only decided to write about it because I have become overwhelmed with the number of ladies who struggle with infertility and want reflexology to help them. With every new client, I feel proud and privileged to be a person that can help them, they have chosen me to be a part of their journey. I know there are thousands of women who struggle with fertility and I hope that this short article can help them, can give them this little light at the end of the tunnel they so desperately need.

About 1 in 6 couples will experience some problems in conceiving. If the couple cannot become pregnant in a year, despite regular intercourse, we can then say that there is a problem of “reduce fertility”.

I personally hate the word “infertile”. It feels so empty, subjective, cold and infinite. I also believe that one year very often is not enough to call someone “infertile”, therefore “reduce fertility” is the word I am going to use.

I also would like to point out that purpose of this article and my personal opinion I will be talking about “couple becoming pregnant”, “couple problems”.I will do it simply because this is a couple’s problem.

Thankfully we-the society are slowly realising that this is not only a   woman’s  problem. In many cases the “fault” lies on man side. When I see client who suffers from reduce fertility I always make sure I ask questions about the partner -“is he involved mentally, is he supportive, is he doing everything he can to increase his fertility and most of all did he have his sperm check”. My client is obviously doing everything because here she is, sitting in my tiny treatment room, asking for help. 9 out of 10 times the partner does what he should , which makes me a very happy therapist 🙂

Thankfully we- the society are slowly realising that this is not only a woman’s problem. In many cases, the “fault” lies on man side. When I see a client who suffers from reduced fertility I always make sure I ask questions about the partner -“is he involved mentally, is he supportive, is he doing everything he can to increase his fertility and most of all did he have his sperm check”. My client is obviously doing everything because here she is, sitting in my tiny treatment room, asking for help. 9 out of 10 times the partner does what he should, which makes me a very happy therapist 🙂

Let’s talk about causes….

There are many causes of reduced fertility. I will try to list some of them below

Age-couple delaying having children due to career, financial issues or even social pressure might find it difficult to become pregnant if the delay is long. We must remember to not ignore our biological clock.Women over the age of 35 start to experience a decrease in eggs production and disturbance in a menstrual cycle.


Please note! : There is an evidence in decline in sperm in men over 45.

Alcohol- has the ability to reduce fertility, so if you are trying to conceive stop or cut it down
Smoking- can cause hormonal imbalance in addition to damaging the sperm and affecting blood supply
Stress- there is no actual evidence that stress causes reduce fertility but many women who are under a great amount of stress are unable to become pregnant. Clients who come to me to help them with their fertility admitted to living under some level of stress, they suffer from depression on anxiety. The improvement is noticed within 2nd-3rd treatment (depends on personal circumstances)

Women need time and space to conquer their fears, work on unresolved issues and reflexology can play a great role in helping to achieve it.

There is plenty other causes that can contribute to reduced fertility (mineral deficiency chemicals, environmental pollutants). Some of them cannot be avoided and some can be worked on.



Supplements and other support…

Zinc– essential in supporting your thyroid. Low thyroid function (hypothyroid) can affect fertility. Unfortunately nowadays fruit and vegetable don’t have enough Zinc in them unless you grow them yourself, which is not always possible. Zinc is also necessary for the right balance of reproductive hormones and deficiency can even increase the risk of miscarriage


Selenium- antioxidant . It can prevent DNA damage ( damage in DNA can cause miscarriage or birth defects). Selenium  contributes to health of sperm so it is advisable that your partner will take it as well


Don’t forget about Vit C and Vit B

Here is a link to very useful website Dr. Axe . Benefits of vitamin and  supplements and their deficiency are very well explained there


I am a strong believer in herbal remedies. I guess this was passed onto me from my grandpa. I remember him cutting stinging nettles and hitting himself in legs to help with rheumatism, or collecting dandelion roots and mint tea.We always had mint growing in our garden and drank it like mad, dill was used for tummy aches and I remember gathering chamomile from the meadow. There is this saying I read in one of my books “God gave us our first pharmacy, unfortunately, we forgot how to make a use of it”.

Agnus Castus is my “have to”- I mentioned it in my first post about PMS. The difference with reduced fertility is that you need to read about it (consult herbalist) to make sure what is the right dose, as Agnus Castus plays a role in hormone balancing. So if you are planning to have tests or even IVF please, please find local herbalist.

How reflexology can help….

Ladies that come to see me are already seeing their consultants. If you are concerned about you fertility, please see your GP as you might need your hormone levels checked. Reflexology is a complementary therapy  and can work wonders alongside specialist advice of course however two of my clients refuse to go to see their GP’s and this is entirely their choice and I have to accept and honour their wishes (we have our little “deal” that if they won’t become pregnant until the end of this year, both them and their partners will go to see GP)


Prolonged stress can even cause a break in menstruation. It has happened to me.I skipped two months until everything went back to normal – period returned and I developed chest infection (my immune system gave in).

Reflexology is a wonderful treatment. It brings the lost balance, it’s extremely relaxing. When I treat my clients there are certain areas I pay special attention to, like the obvious ovaries and fallopian tubes and for added benefits, will work extra on endocrine and nervous system. I also highly   recommend couples to practice  on each other.This brings closeness and feeling of working together as a unison.

We need to remember that reflexology is not a magical treatment that will cure reduce fertility-it can help tremendously but there might be a situation that IVF is the only choice, and it’s ok. We can still work on preparing the right environment for your baby.Don’t give up, whichever way you will conceive you will end up with the baby and happy, healthy mind and body fertility-feet



Endometriosis -The complicated enemy

I know this wasn’t going to be easy even before I sat down to write the title. Endometriosis is very complicated. There is so many symptoms, so many complications, medical explanations that I really struggle with what is important and what should I write.Endometriosis can be hidden for years because its symptoms can be related to other conditions and it might be undiagnosed for a very long time. Severe cases can lead to surgeries, infertility and even mental and emotional problems.

Unfortunately, the Western medicine treatment usually involves painkillers or contraceptive pills, which can be a tricky thing if you want to get pregnant.There is a possibility for some hormone releasing medication but I won’t be going into this. I am not a GP as you already know. Instead, I will stick to what I know – complementary therapies of course.

I have graduated as a reflexologist in July 2016. It is not so long ago, is it? However, over the course of these few months, I have treated 4 ladies suffering from endometriosis with rather good results must say. The only medication they were on, were painkillers and one had inserted coil.


In simple words endometriosis a disorder in which endometrial tissues grow outside its usual place, which is the uterus . Endometrial tissue will then grow on other pelvic organs such as ovaries, large intestines, fallopian tubes. This tissue will then react to monthly variation of hormones in a similar way as it would if it grew in the uterus, which basically means that it bleeds. Because the blood cannot escape it will cause pain and inflammation or even cysts filled with blood.The bleeding can cause the formation of fibrous scar tissue and over the time forms pelvic adhesion when ovary can stick to bowels.



Whenever I see my client I write a very detailed story of symptoms, observation, conclusion, suspicion etc.With my 4 ladies, I have noticed a very interesting connection-endometriosis and congestion of spleen/pancreas meridian. I am talking about  TCM-TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE.

All of my ladies have several different health problems that are associated with this meridian:

  • Mrs H.-thyroid disorder, IBS
  • Mrs D.-knee pains, excessive thirst, bunions
  • Miss F. -breast cysts, some digestive problems, bunions
  • Mrs K-curbed big toes, digestive problems

Just to make it more exciting here is a very good picture that illustrates it



Not surprisingly all ladies also suffered from some emotional issues and 2 of them had problems in their marriages. Due to the pain, normal intimacy was very restricted. I have also noticed that low self-esteem and mood swing were dominant emotions. This is not a news for me. Women who have endometriosis sometimes cannot have children, the feeling of being useless creeps up very quickly

I felt like there was no meaning in my life, my existence as a women was pointless

~Mrs H.

Let me reassure you, this lady is feeling much better now. In fact thanks to diet, reflexology, persistence and positive thoughts her body started to heal itself. The pains are less and less and GP gave them green light to start trying for a baby !!!

Thicker lining provides extra protection for feminity against abuse, disillusionment, frustration and fear “-Chris Stormer,  Reflexology The Definite Guide

I won’t go deep into this but if you suffer from endometriosis ask yourself this” Am I being frustrated with something?”, “Has something happened in the past that made me feel abused (mentally or physically), afraid or frustrated?”. If you find that the answer is “yes” for any of those questions maybe try to seek an emotional support? Someone that will help you understand and get to the bottom of it. It doesn’t mean that endometriosis will disappear but your hidden scars and emotions will.


Reflexology can help with symptoms of endometriosis and by being a holistic treatment can also help with emotional problems that accompany this condition. I have to say with a bit of pride that I was very successful. Successful to that point that one of my ladies (besides the example mentioned before)manages to live a life without pain which in turn improved her relationship with her husband


Vit B-helpful in supporting you during endometriosis.

The B vitamins are particularly important for endometriosis sufferers for a number of reasons. First and foremost, they are needed by the liver to convert excess oestrogen into weaker and less dangerous forms. One of the B vitamins, B6, has been shown to significantly reduce the intensity and duration of period pains, which will help many sufferers.

The B vitamins are also crucial for the conversion of essential fatty acids into beneficial prostaglandins (hormone-like substances that have a relaxing effect on the womb muscles and anti-inflammatory properties). Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are found in oily fish, nuts and seeds. The B vitamins are required to convert these essential fats into a form that can be used by the body to produce a ‘good’ type of prostaglandins. Without this conversion, your body will produce more of the ‘bad’ prostaglandins, which can increase period pains and set up inflammation from the endometrial patches.

Take it in addition to 1000 milligram of  choline and 500 milligrams of  inositol


Soluble fiber aids digestion and helps the body to naturally expel hormones.

  • apples
  • pears
  • plums
  • beans
  • lentils
  • peas
  • quinoa
  • whole grain foods
  • oats
  • nuts
  • citrus fruits
  • chia seeds
  • flax seeds.


Having a healthy liver is important for good hormone balance. This is because the liver detoxifies chemicals and waste products including excess hormones.Ensuring to include some iron-rich foods in your diet can replace iron that may be lost through heavy periods – a common symptom of endometriosis.

  • dark green leafy vegetables like cabbage, kale, spinach, watercress
  • broccoli
  • beetroot
  • meat, fish, eggs
  • tofu
  • beans and pulses
  • nuts and seeds
  • iron-fortified cereals or bread
  • brown rice.

Essential fatty acids (EFAs)

EFAs help to control inflammation, contribute to positive prostaglandin production and aid tissue healing. These aspects can all help to relieve endometriosis symptoms. When looking at your diet, look to include foods rich in essential fatty acids, such as:

  • chia seeds
  • flax seeds
  • oily fish
  • pumpkin seeds
  • walnuts

What to limit

Processed foods

Some processed foods can contain certain additives and preservatives that may contribute to inflammation in some people. They may also be high in saturated or processed fats that can promote the production of inflammatory prostaglandins, while potentially offering little in terms of nutritional value. Read labels, taking note of the guideline daily amount or traffic light labeling guidance as well as reading the list of ingredients to see if perhaps there are healthier products you could choose.

Try to avoid or cut down the following:

  • packaged/pre-prepared meals and snacks
  • soft drinks
  • fried foods
  • smoked and processed meats
  • baked goods
  • white flour and refined grains
  • sugary foods.


Interestingly many people with the condition report symptoms ease after limiting gluten. The link between the two is unknown, but it is thought that a gluten sensitivity may trigger bowel symptoms which may then increase pain levels. If you suspect a negative response to gluten-containing foods, try limiting your intake and eating naturally gluten-free options such as wild rice, quinoa and sweet potato to see if you experience an improvement.


Full-fat dairy products are relatively high in saturated fats and may, therefore, contribute to inflammation. Choose low-fat options for products like yogurts and milk so that you can still benefit from these foods as a source of calcium if you wish. You may want to limit cheese intakes to moderate amounts. Alternately, if you find you do better with less dairy in your diet then you can opt for calcium-fortified alternatives such as almond, coconut and rice milk.

Other foods to avoid

Limiting the following foods is also recommended for those following an endometriosis diet:

  • Alcohol – Extremely inflammatory and affects vitamin D levels in the liver.
  • Caffeine – Can increase menstrual pain and oestrogen levels.
  • Soya – Contains high levels of phyto-oestrogens and toxins that can trigger endometriosis symptoms.
  • Red meat – Like dairy, is inflammatory and can be difficult to digest.
  • Saturated fats – Found in margarine, butter, and lard, these fats trigger the production of negative inflammatory prostaglandins. 

It is recommended that you find a professional who has experience in treating endometriosis. Someone with experience in the area of diet and lifestyle changes (and someone who has received the necessary training) will have the knowledge and expertise to help.


  • Aromatherapy
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Herbalism
  • Homeopathy
  • Acupressure

and many others….Everyone is different and everyone can find something that helps them.

Wishing your good health x

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As with every article please make sure you consult your GP if you have any symptoms.Information in this article is only an advice , please contact qualified practitioner. 




Stress-the main culprit



We all get pressure, it’s a normal part of life. Sometimes is good to feel pressure, so our flight or fight instinct kicks in.

Stress is a physical reaction in the body which results in physical and emotional changes in the body.In other words stress is what happens to the body when the level of pressure goes beyond body’s natural ability to cope with it.

The human race needs a bit of pressure, positive pressure. We all know it; when you get this pressure because your deadline at work is approaching, or before the performance, before a very important client, or this moment when you see your child is going to hang himself from the Christmas tree, you know that one?

However, when the pressure turns into stress by being a long-term pressure, this is when we are in trouble.You might not see it at first, it can be slow prolonged change. Your energy is draining and this affects your long and short-term health.


I know how it feels. Long term pressure, turned into stress. It was years before my brain couldn’t take it any longer. Years of fighting for money, being a young mum, studying at the same time and trying to turn “the love of my life” into someone who actually deserves being loved. Years of mental abuse, so on, so on. With me it started with tinnitus, followed by anxiety and depression. I am ok now, but I put up a big fight and I won. Meanwhile, I discovered a holistic approach to life and of course reflexology. I have learned how to cope with it now, how to kick the pressure into its ugly butt. I am not saying I don’t get run down.Oh trust me I do, but I do recognise the signs now. I have a big arsenal of weapons, but I will mention them at the end.

Stress is a complex condition. It is very difficult to write all the symptoms of stress. At the beginning you might start to feel one or more symptoms and if you leave it untreated more symptoms appear.

International Stress Management Association UK divides stress symptoms into 4 groups:

  • physical-pains, digestive issues, nausea, frequent cold etc
  • behavioural-you feel you have no time  for relaxation, become more forgetful etc
  • psychological-memory lapses, worrying more than usual etc
  • emotional-feeling tearful, mood swings etc

These are only a few as the list goes on and on, for full list visit this link: symptoms of stress

There was this gentleman Hans Selye, very clever men. Endocrynologist.Mr Selye’s main subject of researchers was stress. He identified  3 stages of stress:

  1. Alarm reaction-your body starts showing changes of the first exposure to the stress. It basically means your alarm is ringing and your body recognises it and starts to adapt. If you address stress at this stage you are OK. It is easy for now….
  2. Stage of resistance-the stress in your life is present long enough to show physiological changes
  3. Stage of exhaustion-your body is tired of fighting. Energy is exhausted. Function and structure of the body are changed.

I am not going to go into biology and explain the boring things about cortisol, adrenaline etc. Let me just tell you that if your cortisol level has been to high for too long you are basically in trouble.

I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t put make up on, blimey I couldn’t even cuddle my children. I just felt useless and wanted to kill myself

~Me ~


In my case prolonged stress caused depression.I had emotional and psychological symptoms. There were some digestive issues but the emotional changes were the most visible. I really wanted to feel different, trust me, I really wanted. I decided to fight.You should know that I am not a big fan of medication if I can find an alternative way. I have seen my share of people drugged and basically just exist. I didn’t want this for myself.So I searched…

Stress is a process that shows a very different symptoms for a different person. Therefore it is important that the person will find what suits them most. There is many ways for self-help now. Fortunatel, society recognises the effect stress can have and many alternative, holistic therapies became widely recognised.

  1. I of course recommend reflexology. Once a week at the beginning is the best way. It is your time to relax, let the reflexologist to “work their magic”, to help your body relax, balance your nerves and hormones and give your body this needed time to rebalance
  2. regular exercise, for some it might be running, going to gym, golf etc. I hate exercise but I find yoga be the most relaxing. Tai-chi, qi-gong are ancient ways of balancing your chi.
  3. cut down on stimulants-bit less coffee , less tea, less coke and energy drinks. Trust me the last thing your body needs when is running our of steam is a stimulant with its beautiful E-numbers. Drugs are  obviously big no, cigarettes, and alcohol won’t help you either. Adding extra stimulant to overstimulated body is a very bad idea.
  4. the right diet. Your  increased cortisol can give you cravings  high in sugar, try to resist. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetable (check my previous post for advice regarding diet)
  5. find yourself a hobby, do something creative. I do colouring and knitting. Most of my friends have my scarfs and snoots.
  6. It might be hard at the beginning but increase your social life, visit family or friends. Meet new people. I myself am not a social person. I love being with my clients and family but I know I need to socialize more so I started talking to mums from school. I think that this is why I enjoy working in a care home-simple human interaction.
  7. Meditation-being with yourself, acknowledging your thoughts but not dwelling on them. I love it
  8. Other complementary therapies like hypnotherapy -I personally recommend local lady Honey Lansdown-this lady helped me a lot during my dark days,  EFT, Reiki. I was saved by hypnotherapy. This was first alternative therapy I had a contact with.I still listen once a day my hypnotherapy tapes.Highly recommend  Glenn Harrold
  9. Laugh, smile, smile to yourself in the mirror in the morning, first thing after you wake up, and say “Hello gorgeous, another beautiful day with beautiful you” and finish your day  smiling in the mirror saying “Good night beautiful, it was a good day”


It is Christmas time, it can be stressy, but just make sure you have time for yourself, just half an hour a day  is better than nothing.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, stress free Christmas. Leave the dishes or better buy the one you can recycle 🙂 Dishes can wait, be with yourself, be with your loved ones.

Merry Christmas !!download


Continue reading “Stress-the main culprit”

Menopause-the end or just the beginning ?…….


Let me start by saying HUUUGE THANK YOU to my wonderful clients and friends for sharing with me their stories. I haven’t had any experience with menopause myself so I had to rely on my researches and some beautiful women to let me into their lives.

The term “menopause” is actually incorrect.I know?!!!Why?! How?!! Let me go more clinically now.

The transition period of these not so nice changes, the one we usually refer to “menopause” is officially called “climacteric”- a lovely word, hugh? NOT

Climacteric is divided into 3 phases:

  1. The pre-menopause, usually from age 40. This is when the hormonal changes are starting-first hot flashes

“I remember feeling like someone slapped me with hot frying pan in the face, there I was talking to this young ,good looking sale assistant, looking like a flipping Pocahontas after sunbathing” ( Kate 48-client).

Periods are also becoming irregular together with a change in their intensity.

2. The peri-menopause – our ovaries are slowly planning to go for holiday-which basically means that they slowly stop functioning and periods are becoming less and less. Here is where the hot flashes might be very bothersome. Mood swings intensify, depression, insomnia, low libido are knocking at our door.

” I felt like not myself anymore, it wasn’t me. This person in the mirror in front of me was sad and ugly. I couldn’t even bring myself to sleep with my husband, I just didn’t feel like me ” (Linda 50-client)

3.The post menopause-you just had your last period. The torture is over


However to make it simpler I will refer to everything in this article as menopause. You all know what I mean.

Menopause is considered as something bad. I remember when I asked my mum what is menopause, she just said: “You stop having periods and can’t have children anymore”. For years women have been told that if they cannot have children they are not real women.The stigma of menopause as “the end” lasted forever.I want to point out that this is not the end, it’s the BEGINNING of THE NEW YOU. It is one of the most natural processes in women’s lives. This is a time of transformation, transition, re-evaluating our roles. The time where we discover our new roles, new responsibilities towards ourselves.

“I am menopausal, not stupid, not incapable and most definitely still a women” (Lorna -friend).

Lorna described in her article she sent me that she felt like being “swept under the carpet”. It is time for women who are going or went through menopause to come out, to shine, burn their….well not bras but whatever they want to burn. I for once don’t dread it-no more periods?!!!!I know I will embrace it like a long lost friend.

By now you should realize that menopause is a natural process but unfortunately, many people and western medicine treat it as a disease and for every disease, there is a medication, drug, treatment-whatever you want to call it.In case of menopause, we have Hormone Replace Therapy-the delivery of synthetic progesterone and oestrogen. This therapy is mostly prescribed for 5 years only-due to increase research around it’s side effects like a higher risk of breast cancer, uterine cancer, and blood clotting disorders. I do not deny the fact that some menopausal symptoms are lessened on HRT but as they say “each to their own” and I and many other women chose to not use it. Before you decide, let me introduce you to more holistic, alternative approach.

Alternative approach to menopause

A wonderful friend of mine told me about   Meno-Life , please note that this cannot be used with HRT or contraceptive.

“They helped me with getting through the menopause without committing murder or any other misdemeanors that are against the law “-I just love Elaine.

I looked into it and it looks fab. (Please read the ingredients and cautions). Another proven treatment for menopause is F.O.O.D. Brilliant, isn’t it?Diet itself can support the immune system, endocrine system and relieve some symptoms of menopause.

  1. Sugar-stabilise your blood sugar. This will help those remaining hormones to work properly. Eat often but small. Our glucose is a tricky thing-cannot go to low I am afraid. If you feel you need to eat 10 snickers in one day-you are doing it wrong.
  2. I always say to my clients “drink water“. I am not doing it for the sake of saying something. I really mean it.We are built of water, our cells are built of water. Without water, we will die. Simple as that. I know it can be hard but I am going to share with you my little plan: coffee (I need my morning coffee), water, coffee(last one), from then is only water and herbal teas. I understand that some people may not like the taste of water but you are not supposed to like it. You drink it, you water yourself. One client once told me that in the hospital they count coffee and tea as a fluid -yes fluid but not as a water. I worked in a hospital. They count jelly as a fluid. So there you go.
  3. Reduce dairy products and eat less red meat.Red meat is high in phosphates which encourage the release of calcium from bones. Menopausal women cannot afford that loss.Dairy products are acid and mucus forming-beware.
  4. Include in your diets essential fats like omega 3 (nuts, seeds, oily fish, vegetable are a great source). They are necessary, they are important for immune function, metabolism, skin repair. Evening Primrose Oil (I talked about it in previous posts) has balancing effect on the hormones.
  5. Increase fiber to eliminate toxins-eat whole grain, fresh fruit and veggies
  6. Reduce sodium-cut down or stop intake of table salt.fruits-and-vegetables

From Herbal families I would recommend already mentioned Primrose Oil and THE ALL ALMIGHTY MY SAVIOUR Agnus Castus(check blog about PMS), Dandelion,  Sage (this one is for night sweats), Wild Yam

Alternative treatments

Reflexology can be a great help with menopause. I have few clients who had found that my advice and reflexology helps them to that point that HRT is no longer needed. Reflexology helps relieve tension and get rid of stress as well as balances hormones. I would focus on endocrines and nervous system reflexes.


When clients come for the treatment they usually start once a week for about month, I made sure they feel loved and pampered. It is about them, about the exchange of positive energy and caring environment.

Other alternative therapies that can help with dealing with symptoms of menopause are aromatherapy, Chinese medicine and Homeopathy.

Last but not least exercise, walk a dog, start practicing yoga or tai chi, try qi-gong. older-woman-exercise-hyn

Love yourself, treat yourself with the respect you deserve. It is your time now. 

The menopause is nature’s gift to women! It offers freedom from occurrence by instilling self-doubt and fear of no longer being desirable or needed.This rejection of self arises from deep fear of getting old or losing sexuality

Useful link

*as with everything-this is an advice only, I am not an expert on herbs, nutrition etc. I am a reflexologist-this is my field.Please always find trained therapist for more advice or consult your GP

Teenage acne-when the mirror is your enemy

Being teenager can be tough and  overwhelming. As much as they enjoy the feeling of being young, free and sometimes invincible, they also struggle-school, peers, family -all this can be a struggle for them. There is a constant battle inside teenage body.We all have been there, we all know it. Teenagers are going through many physical  and emotional changes; their bodies change, their sexuality emerges

.Most teenagers experience “mood swings”-don’t we know them well?


It is hard , trust me. There is no winner, from a teenager and a parent point of view. I know what I am talking about, I have got myself one of those

As a parent all we can do is to be understanding and supportive, even if we sometimes want to lock our beloved babies in the cellar and feed them through the key hole.

Teenage years are when the appearance is very important. Hormonal imbalance causes outbreak of acne. These puss-filled spots and blackheads are one of the main distressing conditions during teenage years.


I am going to be a bit clinical and even gross now. It is to explain the acne “curse” in rather easy way and to bust the myths.Spots and outbreaks are caused by an excess oil in sebaceous glands. In simple words too much sebum causes blocked pores which in turn causes the skin to become inflamed and infected. Yuck and ouch!

Doctors can prescribe some medication that helps to control the symptoms but unfortunately they do not cure the problem. Very often  these medication are hormone based, but ask yourself a question: Do you want your 13 years old daughter to take hormones? Hormonal medication cause lots of side effect. I know, I have been put on one when I was 13. It wasn’t because of acne but due to painful periods ( I will talk about it in the future). Enough to say that from size 8 I ballooned to size 16. It was very bad. I came off them and had to go on a diet being only 14!!!

If you ( and of course your precious teenage treasure)  are willing to go the more natural route ,reflexology  and diet can be just the answer.

Reflexology is adopted by many massage centers all around the world. This is because of the great relief and treatment it offers to the body. Reflexology has been used extensively to cure varied skin disorders. The most common among them are eczema, psoriasis, acne, shingles, ringworm, erythema, seborrhea and dermatitis. By working on the feet and hands thoroughly, people were able to notice great change in their skin within few weeks. Most of these skin diseases are caused due to malfunction of internal organs. Reflexology will help in stimulating and improving the function of the organs.


In addition to feet and hands, I find face reflexology being very helpful for my daughter (she hates her feet being touched)


Just to throw it out there to give you a different insight on acne. Chris Stormer recognized authority on reflexology in her book “Reflexology-The Definitive Guide” approaches acne from emotional point of view

“frustration and anger at difficulty in controlling and dealing with life’s natural transition, for example, from childhood to adulthood or from one phase of life to another”-Chris Stromer 1995

Does this ring a bell?

Another reflexologist Debbie Shapiro in her “Your body speaks your mind” writes:

“Ance reflects the depth of emotion surging through the body-the longing for release finds expression in the eruptions. This is a cry from within to stop attacking ourselves, a plea for us to accept ourselves and find our inner beauty”-Debbie Shapiro 1996

Reflexology can help to stabilize those “raging” hormones by inducing relaxation it can help in removal of toxins and in general restore the once lost balance. It addition it can help with other teenage related conditions like painful periods, stress, worries and tension headaches

Self-help and nutrition


There is this myth that sweats cause acne. According to recent researches, this is not the truth. However good diet is very important in maintaining good health, healthy skin and can help recovery.

A diet that is low in fat but high in fiber helps. Do not forget about YOUR 5-A DAY! Veggies, fruit-preferably raw are the best. Try to introduce smoothies -for some reason smoothies are “cool”-or so I’ve been told.

  • sugar-well this one is tricky. Teenagers (not only 0 love sweets. Unfortunately, sugar has immune-suppressing effect, therefore try to eliminate it from a diet or substitute it with honey perhaps, or just simply control it -“ALL IS GOOD IN MODERATION”
  • introduce seeds and nuts-lots of researchers point on pumpkin seeds due to them being rich in essential fatty acids.

Some supplements have been found very useful as well. One of them is Vit A-one of the most important in supporting skin health. It helps to reduce the over production of sebum and keratin. PLEASE TAKE CAUTION AS OVERDOSE CAN BE TOXIC-DISCUSS WITH GP OR NUTRITIONIST.

Zinc –not only support immune system but it is involved in the activation of hormones. It has been proved to that it helps with wound healing and the control of inflammation and regeneration of tissue.

If you want to use herb(I suggest to contact qualified herbalist) look into Echinacea-one of its benefits is inhibition of inflammation. cresterea-calitatii-vietii2

Milk Thistle promotes liver detoxification and Garlic is a natural antiseptic best taken daily.

My favorite is face steaming with a couple of drops of lavender and basil essential oils-they have antibacterial properties.Of course, you mustn’t forget about good old tea-tree oil that can be applied directly on to spots.

Recently I became a huge fan of home-made creams and made a cream for myself and my daughter. In both, I used coconut oil but for my daughter, I added lavender oil, tea tree oil and aloe vera oil . On the internet, you can find many good recipes-that’s of course if you are interested in making them.

I and my daughter went through “hit and miss” process. After many different creams, “potions”, herbs we finally discovered what is good for her. She uses face cleanser from  Naissance, then removes the makeup with coconut oil, next she uses a toner I made myself from aloe vera and the cream. At night she also puts tea tree oil directly on her spots. It is slowly clearing up  🙂 Remember that every teenager is different

Most of all we have to be supportive, after all, we all been there and remember how hard it was for us.


Me and my own “teenager”


PMS- Premenstrual Syndrome

It is a condition affecting many women (about 85% menstruating women have at least one symptom), the group of the symptoms starts usually 1-2 weeks before period. The symptoms disappear when the periods start. Some women treat it as a “something normal” they can easily go through but for some (I’m one of them) it’s a condition that has a great effect on their lives and it affects their family lives. The symptoms include:

  • swollen/tender/painful breasts (to the point that you can’t walk down the stairs without holding your breasts like some perverted person-not to mention try to take off your bra -NOPE, it won’t happen)
  • trouble sleeping (you know the one when you count the whole flipping Wales of sheep)
  • acne (you ask your teenage daughter what she uses for her spots)
  • feeling tired (once I almost fell asleep riding on my bike – note to self: don’t let your eyes close)
  • back ache (no amount of yoga can fix It – trust me I’ve tried)
  • craving -awww the chocolate one-we all know that one- you steal chocolate bars from your kids and don’t feel bad about it
  • anxiety /depression-nothing funny about it
  • and my husband’s s favorite MOOD SWINGS!!! -you go from Maria from The Sound of Music to Stephen King’s Carrie

No one really knows what causes PMS, but it has been established by the clever minds that it is a hormonal imbalance (no s*** Sherlock). Those clever minds also established that it is most common for ladies who:

-are between their late 20s and early 40s – TICK

-have at least 1 child -TICK

-have a family history of depression -?

-have a past medical history of any mood disorder or depression -TICK

I am a prime example of PMS, well at least I used to. Fortunately, I am now feeling much better, my symptoms are under control and I am going to tell you why.

Reflexology has proved to significantly decrease the symptoms of PMS. During the trial in California, the controlled group showed remarkable 46% reduction in symptoms Significant Decrease In Premenstrual Symptoms

My past experience helps me to identify with my clients, with my ladies as I call them; it enables me to help them more efficiently. When I meet my client with PMS symptoms for the first time, she comes to me feeling very low or hides with her witty comments (you see the pattern?) There comes the usual routine, health questionnaire and then I ask her to lie down on the couch and I proceed with the treatment. The first treatment is just the usual routine but in my head, I already plan the next treatment, I plan her care plan.

My first targets are the naughty, crazy Hormones-I have to make them start working together in unison. They are the ones making us throwing plates on the floor or knives at husbands (not recommended and never actually done it-but had a feeling like I want to). I will also work on solar plexus-you know the center of happiness, where we feel the “butterflies in our stomach”. There are of course other reflexes I work on extra.

Trust me the changes happen. Recent client, let’s call her Mrs Brown (just because I like Mrs Brown’s boys), 39. Working mum, trying very hard. Her PMS symptoms very severe, GP wanted to put her on the antidepressant (as usual). She decided to try reflexology. We worked hard, she listened to my advice regarding diet, exercises, supplements and seeing a herbalist. 4 weeks later she noticed that she didn’t want to run away from her home, she didn’t want to cry and didn’t have to hold her breast running down the stairs 😉

So if you suffer from PMS don’t wait, I am here to help you. It is a process, sometimes you do 2 steps forward and one step back but you have to be patient and you will see that there is no more walking backward only bright, steady walk forward, towards HAPPY NEW YOU.

*sources Professional Reflexology, web and own experience pms


Very important is to stay active and to have a good diet. Make sure you cut down on sugar, salt and all time favorite caffeine. Morning cup of coffee is required as lack of it might cause some series body harm to those around you.Cutting down on alcohol is good too. To help those nasty hormones stay in balance make sure you will include oily fish in your diet, good example here is herrings, mackerel, and sardines.Increase your fiber and fresh, organic food intake-well this one is good with a condition or not.

My favorite-water!Drink it, ladies, drink it, we need it. I cannot stress how important water is. After all, we are mostly built of water, we need to water ourselves regularly.

I’ve found that Primrose oil has been proved to have some benefit, but my favourite is  Agnus Castus. Without it and reflexology my life would be a misery.
